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General Notice

S.No Notice View Uploaded Date
1. Notice regarding creation of ABC id by the students 07/08/2024
2. End (Even) Semester/ Annual Regular & Carry over Examination ,Session 2023-24 14/06/2024
3. Date Sheet of RDC Meeting March 11/01/2024
4. Policy on Restricted Entry of vehicles on the Campus 09/01/2024
5. Academic Calendar for Session 2023-24 02/12/2023
6. Admit Card distribution for End (Odd) Semester Examination ,Session 2023-24 23/11/2023
7. makeup sessional Examination of End (Odd) Semester2023-24 20/11/2023
8. Regular/Carry Over Examination From date extension notice for End (Odd) Semester2023-24 16/11/2023
9. Datesheet for End (Odd Semester) Examination ,Session 2023-24 04/11/2023
10. Examination Form of Regular / Carry over for End (Odd) Sem, Session 2023-24 01/11/2023
11. Upcoming Sessional Examination Session 2023-2024 05/10/2023
12. UGC letter regarding: Bharatiya Bhasha Diwas 20/09/2023
13. Date sheet of Special Carry Over Examination for Pass out (Passing Year 2022-2023) Students 18/08/2023
14. Admit Card distribution of Special Carry Over Examination August 2023 16/08/2023
15. Examination Form for Special Carry Over Examination ,Session 2022-23 29/07/2023
16. Academic Calendar for Session 2023-24 19/06/2023
17. Admit Card distribution for End(Even Semester)/Yearly Examination ,Session 2022-23 18/05/2023
18. Date sheet of End (Even) Semester Examination 2022-2023 10/05/2023
19. Regarding Date sheet of Special Carry over Examination May 2023 04/05/2023
20. Regarding Examination form for End (Even Semester) Examination ,Session 2022-23 27/04/2023
21. Date sheet of Sessional examinations of End (Even) Semester Examination 2022-2023 13/04/2023
22. Notice of Special Carry Over Examination May 2023 13/04/2023
23. Notice of Sessional (Even Semester) Examination 2022-2023 08/04/2023
24. Notice of Ph.D. Course work examination Session 2022-2023 02/03/2023
25. Dear Students, This is to inform that the students of BA (J&MC) and MA (J&MC) (2nd Year/III Sem Onwards) that Academic Session will start from 2nd Aug, 2022 (Tuesday) onwards through offline mode. This is also reminded that re-registration process has started from 15th July, 2022 to 13th Aug, 2022 without late fee and 16th Aug, 2022 to 31st Aug, 2022 with late fee. Deputy Dean, SoJMC 08/02/2023
26. Commencement of Classes and Registration (2nd Year Onwards) This is to inform all the students of B.A. LL.B, BBA LL.B and LL.B, (2nd year onwards) that Academic Session will start from 2nd Aug, 2022 (Tuesday) onwards through off line mode. This is also reminded that re-registration process has started from 15th July, 2022 to 13th Aug, 2022 without late fee and 16th Aug, 2022 to 31st Aug, 2022 with late fee (Already announced in the class room with notice dated 01st July, 2022 and Ref. No 08/02/2023
27. Dear Students This is to inform to all the students of School of Law that regarding visiting of Library, a schedule is kept in the library and displayed on notice board. Students are allowed to visit the library during the mentioned time only. It is also mandatory to all the students that while visiting to the library, students are required to carry his/her Library Card. Further, if any student does not have Library Card, is required to collect Library Membership Form from Dean Office and 08/02/2023
28. Parents Teacher Meet...This is to inform to all the students of BA LLB, BBA LLB and LLB that Maharishi Law School is going to conduct Parents teacher Meet on 14th May, 2022 (Saturday). Students are advised to inform their Parents to attend the same. venue_ Maharishi Law School Time: 10 am to 4 pm. Regards Dean, MLS 08/02/2023
29. Re-registration on ERP-- This is to inform all the students of BA LLB, BBA LLB and LLB that re-registration process has started from 10.02.2022 to 25.02.2022 (Already Notice Circulated). Kindly register yourself before 25.02.2022 to avoid late fee @Rs. 15/- per day. This late fee will be applicable from 26.02.2022 to 10.03.2022. If any student failed to do so he/she will be solely responsible for his/her academic losses. Dean, MLS 08/02/2023
30. This is to inform that Re-Registration process has started from dated 10/12/2022 to 25/02/2022. Kindly, register yourself before 25/02/2022 to avoid late fees @ Rs.15 per day. This late fee will be applicable from 26/02/2022 to 10/03/2022. If any student will fail to do so, he/she will be solely responsible for his / her academic loss. Dean, SOA 08/02/2023
31. This is to inform all the students of BA (J&MC), MA (J&MC), Diploma in Print & Electronic Media and Diploma in New Media that even semester classes are going to start from 17th Feb, 2022 (Thursday) in off line mode. The registration is going on ERP for even semester from 10th Feb, 2022 and will be till on 25th Feb, 2022. 08/02/2023
32. This is to inform all the students of BA LLB, BBA LLB and LLB that even semester classes will be starting from 17th Feb, 2022 (Thursday) in off line mode. The registration on ERP for new semester will start from 10th Feb, 2022 till 25th Feb, 2022. Further, it is also informed that the students must follow the dress code (vide notice 21.12.2021) on Monday, Wednesday & Friday and in case of events. 08/02/2023
33. This is to inform all the students of Maharishi law School that on suggestions of students that they have missed valuable learning and understanding of various subjects taught in previous semesters due to outbreak of coronavirus. In the pursuance of the same suggestions, MLS has decided to arrange master classes to take up topics of important subjects on every Saturday. The students will be informed two days prior about schedule of such classes. Atleast fifty percent attendance is required in ma 08/02/2023
34. Dear Students All the students of Maharishi Law School are hereby informed that Academic session has started for all the programs in Law. The students are required to maintain their attendance, failing which the student(s) will be barred from appearing in the exams. Further, MUIT has started bus facility from Noida City Centre to Campus and back. Interested students may contact to Mr. Girish Agnihotri, 9811100491for availing the facility. Deal MLS 08/02/2023
35. INFORMATION REGARDING BANK LOAN This is to inform to all the students of B.A. LL.B/BBA LL.B/LL.B, that some of the students are availing Education Loan from the Bank. It has been observed that some students approach at the last hours for issuing of documents which is/are required to be submitted to the Bank. Hence to avoid last minute approach, students are required to submit their details in Dean’s, office as early as possible, so that the document/s can be issued before time. If any quer 08/02/2023
36. This is to inform to all the students, those who are attending the classes physically, must wear the face mask and maintain social distancing in the Campus. 08/02/2023
37. Important Notice regarding End (odd) Semester Examination 2022-23 12/01/2023