Animation and the media is a thriving industry that introduces students to the field, familiarizes them with it, and provides in-depth knowledge. The course is designed specifically for students interested in animation and multimedia, and provides students with the opportunity to study the fundamentals both conceptually and practically. The School of Media and Animation offers a full-time program that includes lively theoretical lectures, hands-on practical sessions, tutorials, classroom presentations, and industry-driven assignments. The school aims to provide students with an overall view of the media industry and to assist them in understanding the industry's dynamics. It offers the most advanced and distinctively defined opportunity-based professional education in the world. Because of the dominance of digital media and advertising firms in the corporate world today, the likelihood of students enrolling in this course is increasing. With a solid placement track record, we make certain that our students are well-prepared to meet the demands of the workplace and to carve out a career in the multimedia and animation industries.
To be a globally recognized leader committed to excellence with ethics and transforming lives through education & innovation in the field of Animation and Mass Communication.
The Department of Media at Maharishi University of Information Technology is known for its vibrant and dynamic environment. It is the home to students pursuing various programs in journalism and mass communication. The department takes pride in its dedicated and well-qualified faculty members who guide students towards a long-ranging career and academic excellence. The faculty members have years of industry experience in various fields such as news reporting, editing, news anchoring, design and graphics, communication/media research, digital media, corporate communication, public relations and advertising, event management, photography, videography, and film making. The department also organizes regular interactions between students and industry experts and professionals. These interactions take place through special lectures, workshops, webinars, seminars, conferences, festivals, Nukkad, Natak (street plays) and other events. TheInfrastructure and learning environment at the department of media are state-of-the-art and invite you to explore its facilities. The department takes pride in producing well-known anchors, independent filmmakers, actors, copywriters, producers, reporters, graphic artists, radio jockeys, event managers, advertising professionals, and public relations officers. The success of its alumni serves as motivation for the department to continue its efforts to provide the best education and training for its students.
By offering transcendental meditation (TM), which improves concentration power by preventing distracting thoughts and encouraging a state of relaxed awareness, the faculty of the Maharishi School of Media & Animation aims to recognize, respect, and groom the skills of each student in the animation and VFX fields. This remarkable learning experience is made possible by the program's unique offering. The practice of animation and VFX is a vital part of the entertainment industry in India and around the world. It has experienced numerous expansions and created new paradigms regarding the Indian educational system and the job opportunities that ensue. Additionally, we place a strong emphasis on professional growth and experimental learning in animation and teaching. In the field of animation and VFX, there are many different career options, such as those in research and academia. The animation and VFX field offers a wide range of job options, including those in entrepreneurship, business, academia, and research. I have no doubt that after you graduate from college, you will change a lot of people's lives and make significant contributions. Best wishes for your upcoming pursuits.
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