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Maharishi School of Sciences And Humanities site visit at the Dr. Ambedkar National Memorial and Dr. Ambedkar International Centre

Exploring India's Constitutional Heritage: A Visit to Dr. Ambedkar NationalMemorial And Dr.Ambedkar;International Centre inNew Delhi

India's constitutional heritage is deeply rooted in the vision and efforts of Baba Sahib Dr.

B.R. Ambedkar , the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. . The School of Sciences and Humanities at Maharishi University of Information Technology, Noida took a significant step towards illuminating the students with profound insight into his life, struggles, and

enduring legacy visit to the Dr. Ambedkar National Memorial and Dr. Ambedkar

International Centre located in the heart of New Delhi. A visit to this memorial is not merely a tour of historical artifacts, but a profound exploration for the students that continue to guide the nation.

On April 20, 2024, 46 students were accompanied by their respective ProfessorsDr.

Alok Verma, Ms.Sonakshi Saxena , Mr. Dhiraj Chaudhary , Dr. Nishikant Bharti from the Humanities Department and Dr. Rachna Agarwal from the Sciences Department, on the path of inspiration from the life of Baba Sahib Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. The anticipation was

palpable as the Dean of School of Sciences and HumanitiesProf. (Dr) Archana Pandey filled the students with enthusiasm and created the opportunity for them to visit this inspiring place. With warm waves and best wishes of their Dean, the group left the university promptly at 10:25 AM and reached approximately at 11:10 AM

The memorial houses a collection of interactive exhibits that chronicle Dr.

Ambedkar’s life from his childhood struggles to his pivotal role in drafting the Indian Constitution. Students were engaged with multimedia presentations, archival footage and immersive displays that bring his story of life. From audio recordings of his speeches to virtual tours of significant landmarks associated with him, these interactive elements enhanced the student’s experience and deepened their understanding of his contribution

Our visit to the Dr. Ambedkar Memorial left an indelible impression, underscoring the importance of preserving India’s constitutional heritage. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for social justice and the imperative to uphold the value

enshrined in the Indian constitution.

At 2:15pm , we reached Dr. Ambedkar International Centre, an International Conference was going there and it was chaired by Honorable Chief justice of India, due to

heavy security for the purpose of safety Dr. Alok and Mr. Dhiraj had taken permission for our student’s visit to Dr. B.R.Ambedkar International Centre.

Upon entering the Centre, students were greeted by a captivating array of exhibits, artifacts, and interactive displays that chronicle Dr. B.R.Ambedkar’s life and legacy. Students were inspired to uphold the values of democracy, equality and social justice that lie at the heart of

our nation’s ethos.