“An Educational Visit to Maharishi Ayurveda Hospital”
29st February, 2024 (Thursday)
10:00 AM to 04:30 PM
Organised by: Maharishi School of Science of Consciousness, Noida
Objective of the Event: To provide practical exposure to the students.
Participating Students: B.Sc. (Ayurveda Food and Nutrition), BA (Maharishi Yoga), PG Diploma (Diet and Nutrition), PG Diploma (Maharishi Yoga), and MA (Consciousness) students were the primary participants of the event.
A hospital visit to Maharishi Ayurveda Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi, 110088, was organized on March 1, 2024, by Dr. Mudita Agrawal and Mr. Gaurav Thakur.
Impact Report: A total of 25 members, including faculty and students of SOC School, attended and benefited from the hospital visit.
- Helped students understand the functioning of the hospital.
- Provided an insight into the real working environment of Ayurveda hospital.
- Provided an opportunity to plan, organize and engage things.
- A good opportunity to interact with the experts.
Students had the opportunity to upgrade their knowledge and skill abilities; they benefited a lot from hospital visit and this has also triggered them to explore meaningful acquisitions of equipment handling experience and hands-on training.
- Helped to enhance their interpersonal skills.
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