The National Labour Law Association, Delhi [NLLA] is a registered society under the Societies Registration Act 1886. It secured its registration in 1980 with objective to provide avenue for professional discussion, research, and training on labour / employment laws among employers, employee, lawyers and academia. It also holds awareness generating programs in the forms of conferences and seminar at local, national, and regional levels. The NLLA is affiliated to the International Society for Labour and Social Security Laws, Geneva (ISLSSL). This MoU is based on the principles of reciprocity and expresses the interests of both MUIT and NLLA in exchanging academic information, material and conduct research studies with a view to raise awareness of the importance and need for “Rule of Law” and transparency in governance as also business. Through imparting knowledge, it aims to empower, students, lawyers, social partners (Labour and employer’s functionaries), academics, officials, etc. to make effective contributions in achieving higher level of efficiency and transparency in governance as also in workplace relations. It will also aim at making contributions towards securing Decent Works Conditions as also Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The collaboration of the two institutions would also contribute towards promoting quality research on topics such as comparative labour Laws; Labour Law reforms; International labour Standards, Social protection Floors for the Informal Sector / workers, etc. It is hereby as mutual understanding of the parties agreed on:
1. Cooperation and mutual assistance in every possible way in the field of raising awareness about the need for promoting transparency in decision making in business and government and enhancing public participation, promotion of information rights of individuals, for ushering in an era of good governance.
2. Organise education / awareness generation programs in the forms of workshop, seminars, and discussions. In this connection, it is agreed to jointly host International Conference of during Aug, 2023.
3.To promote internship opportunities for students of the MUIT with NLLA and its affiliated institutions in furtherance of the common objectives.
4. To coordinate in providing free consultative services with regards to workplace Rights and Responsibilities in accordance with national labour / employment laws and international conventions.
5. To coordinate in the formulation of policy recommendations, particularly those concerning labour laws reforms, and other issues relating to good governance.
6. To promote research studies in the field of Labour and employment laws; comparative labour rights; etc. so as to inculcate greater transparency and accountability in business as also society in general.
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