A Memorandum of Understanding is signed between Jurist & Jurist International Law Firm Maharishi Law School, Maharishi University of Information Technology, Noida The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to formalize the agreement between Jurist & Jurist International Law Firm and Maharishi Law School to collaborate on projects and activities aimed at promoting legal education and property rights awareness in the community. Jurist & Jurist International offers both domestic and foreign clients a comprehensive range of legal services. Intellectual property rights, corporate law and compliances, mergers and acquisitions, corporate and debt issues, civil laws, and property disputes are among the firm's areas of expertise. They are renowned for their proficiency and background in a range of industries and fields of endeavor. With the collaboration with prominent law firm Maharishi Law School, will organize awareness workshop. Legal awareness and knowledge are an indispensable part of a citizen’s education program which will enlighten and empower him to scale new heights of progression and free himself from the excesses of the executive or any existing authority. It is the central key to unlocking the door of positive change that we have cried out for so long in the years gone by and desire so much. Jurist & Jurist International Law Firm will be helpful to train MLS students. Internships in adjacent fields may help you develop transferable skills, learn about new interests or reaffirm your preferred career path. This law firm will groom students by provide legal knowledge.
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