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“The 10th International Yoga Day Celebration”

A Report on


“The 10th International Yoga Day Celebration”


June 21, 2023 (FRIDAY)


9:00 PM to 10::30AM


Organised by: Internal Quality Assurance Cell


Location: Noida and Lucknow Campuses, Uttar Pradesh, India




Maharishi University of Information Technology (MUIT), Noida and Lucknow, hosted a series of enlightening events to commemorate the 10th International Yoga Day. The Theme, "Yoga for Self and Society," encapsulated the dual focus on individual well-being and collective harmony.





  1. Introduction to Yoga
  • Speaker: Mr. Yagyavrat Sharma (Noida), Dr. Sapan Asthana ( Lucknow)

Content: Mr. Sharma and Dr. Sapan Asthana delivered an engaging introduction to yoga, tracing its historical roots (as it has evolved over centuries) and presented contemporary global perspective on it. The day’s program started with his speech which was cantered more around personal well-being/health as well as contribution to global peace.

  1. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Lecture on the Eight Limbs of Yoga
  • Format: Recorded Lecture
  • Content: A video presentation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's profound insights on the Eight Limbs of Yoga ( Ashtanga Yoga). This classical framework from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras includes Yama (ethical discipline), Niyama (self-discipline), Asana (posture), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara (sensory withdrawal), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (absorption). The lecture highlighted how these practices collectively foster holistic well-being and spiritual growth.
  1. Maharishi Yogasana Set 1
  • Instructors: Mr. Vivek Rathore and Mr. Mandeep Awana (Noida)
  •                       Mr. Ajay Kumar & Mr. Ankit Kumar (Lucknow)
  • Content: This practical session involved a guided practice of the Maharishi Yogasana Set 1. Participants engaged in a sequence of postures designed to enhance flexibility, suppleness, strength, and mental clarity. The detailed instructions, ensuring that both beginners and seasoned practitioners could follow along and benefit.


  1. Pranayama Session
  • Facilitators: Mr. Vivek Rathore and Mr. Mandeep Awana
  •                       Mr. Ajay Kumar & Mr. Ankit Kumar (Lucknow)
  • Content: Following the asana practice, the facilitators led a session on Pranayama, the art of controlled breathing. This session focused on techniques to regulate breath, calm the mind, and energize the body. The practice of Pranayama is essential for preparing the mind for deeper meditation and fostering overall vitality.
  1.  Transcendental Meditation
  • Facilitators: Dr. Mudita Agarwal and Mr. Gaurav Thakur (Noida)
  •                       Mr. Samir Kumar Tripathy & Sandhya Rani Tripathy (Lucknow)
  • Content: The day culminated with a session of Transcendental Meditation (TM), a simple, natural technique popularized by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. TM allows the mind to settle inward, beyond thought, to experience a unique state of restful alertness. Participants were guided through the meditation, experiencing profound relaxation and inner peace.
  1. Vote of Thanks
  • Speaker: Dr. Mudita Agarwal
  •                  Dr. Neeraj Jain

Content: Dr. Mudita Agarwal and Dr Neeraj Jain concluded the event with a heartfelt vote of thanks, expressing their thanks and gratitude to the organizers, speakers and participants and emphasizing the significance of yoga in enhancing individual health and social harmony. They apprised people to incorporate these practices in their everyday life so that we can all grow together as one big family.


The 10th International Yoga Day at MUIT was a resounding success, reinforcing the university's commitment to holistic education and the well-being of its community. The ancient wisdom was relayed in a manner that corresponded with the present global theme on yoga as a key contributor to an individual’s wellness and social wellness.