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“Parent Teacher Meeting”

A Report on


“Parent Teacher Meeting”



 8th April, 2023



Organized by: Maharishi Law School in coordination with IQAC



Objective of the Event: The Parent Teacher Meeting was organized on 08th April, 2023 to discuss about students’ progress and performance at the institute. The goal was to build a healthy relationship with the students and parents. The parents were intimated about the meeting well in advance through network administrator and mentors.


Parent-teacher meeting was organized in Maharishi Law School on the 8th April 2023. The main aim of this meeting was to discuss the progress of the students at law school. It is very essential that the parents should get a regular feedback about the progress of their wards in the law school. Towards that direction, the Parent-Teacher Meeting was organized.  Parents provided their valuable feedback to improve upon the existing training / teaching standards of the students. The parents have responded positively and feel that it is a positive step taken by the MUIT administration in monitoring the activities of their wards. Parents and students actively participated in the PTM.