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“Luksar Jail Visit”

A Report on

Luksar Jail Visit”

10th November, 2022

Organized by: Maharishi Law School in coordination with IQAC

Objective of the Visit: The educational visit is an important part of the student learning program at Maharishi Law School. Maharishi Law School organized a jail visit for students. The goal of this visit was to help students learn about the situation of the convicts in jail and make them aware of free legal aid services in India.


Site Visit Outline

During the visit, students visited the Noida Jail from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on 10th November, 2022 and spent the day participating in the following activities of a legal aid counselor. The students interacted with under-trial and convicted prisoners who were guilty or were charged for crimes such as murder, half-murder, theft, and severe hurt. They observed that most of the under-trial convicts are not educated and don’t know about the free legal aid service provided by the Government of India, and some of them don’t even have a lawyer. During the lunch, students counseled the couple of foreign convicts in order to know the situation of the under-trial convicts. The police head, Mr. Jai Hind Singh, was there to help students during their visit. Legal Aid is the strategy used to make sure that no one is denied access to expert counsel and assistance due to a lack of funding. Therefore, the major goal of ensuring equal justice is to make it accessible to the underprivileged, oppressed, and weaker members of society. Students of the Legal Aid Society discussed the concept of constitutional rights of prisoners, plea bargaining, parole, etc. for the purpose of legal awareness. These visits are a way to spread awareness about the legal aid to the convicts and can help them present them before a judge in a case or legal proceeding.