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 “Signature Analysis”

 “Signature Analysis”
At Maharishi University, we believe that the way we write our signature allows everyone to know what kind of person we really are; it’s our signature that makes us unique from others.
For this purpose, the School of Business Studies and the School of Data Science conducted a very informative and intellectual workshop on Signature Analysis titled "Your signature can change your life!"
The guest speaker, Dr. Rachna Bhimrajka, a handwriting expert, educationist, founder of FUN2LEARN, and cofounder of the Global Educator Fraternity, discussed the impact of signatures on our personalities. The signature represents one’s public character, self-possession, intensity, diversity, and imagination.
Dr. Rachna Bhimrajka highlighted the remarkable points that one should consider while having a signature. She mentioned "5 Do’s and 13 Don’ts" while deciding our signature.
5 DO’S
?Use an underline beneath the signature.
?For a signature, use the same or similar-sized letters.
?For signatures, use simple fonts.
?Always include a middle name.
?The first letter must be capitalized. 

13 DON’T S
?Don't cut the name after you've written it.
?Don't put a circle around the name.
?Don't write in very small letters.
?Don't try to trace the name back.
?Don't write in such a way that it appears illegible to others.
?Don't use any extra strokes in your name.
?Lower zones should not be cut.
?Don't leave out the last letter.
?Don't scribble the name at the end.
?Make sure that the lower zones are not bloated.
?Don’t use all capital letters.
?Don't write your first letter in a big way compared to others.
?Don't forget to include the dots (i and j). 
Dr. Trapty Agarwal (Dean Academics) and Dr. Smita Mishra (Dean SOBS) along with other faculty members and students witnessed this wonderful session. The significance of signatures was explained to the students and how improving them would bring fruitful results in their lives. In total, seven faculty members and 65 students were present in that session.
Students enthusiastically participated in the workshop, learned a lot, and enjoyed it a lot. They found it to be an intellectual part of their lives. The guest speaker, Dr. Rachna, also answered the queries of students and got their honest feedback. At the end of the session, Dr. Trapty shared her experience, and Dr. Smita extended the vote of thanks.