Visit to National Broadcaster DD News
The Maharishi School of Media organized a one-day educational visit to the National Broadcaster of India- DD News, Copernicus Marg, Mandi House, New Delhi-110001, on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. Ms. Ritu Prashar, HOD, MSM along with staff members, faculty members and students of the department visited the News Channel which is India’s state owned broadcaster and has an excellent state-of-the-art studio and transmitting infrastructure.
During the visit to the DD News studios, students were mentored by Chief News Anchor and Senior Editor Mr. Ashok Shrivastav. He gave the group a tour of the newsroom and critiqued their presenting skills in the studio. The students were guided around the production studios and shown the sets where all the recording takes place. They were explained the difference between real and virtual sets. The visit focused on learning the technicalities and functions taking place behind the scenes in the functioning of a TV channel. The students learned about the PCR, studio, newsroom, how news is fired, and most importantly, the workings of a news channel.
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