About MIRC | Maharishi University Of Information Technology, Noida

About MIRC

Maharishi Industry Relations Cell (MIRC) is the Training and Placement department of Maharishi University. MIRC has been set up by the University as per the vision of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ji, our First Chancellor,  to provide access to internship openings, job opportunities, career guidance, skill development along with several tools and opportunities for all the students of the University.


>> Comprehensive platform for targeted hiring of key skill sets.
>> Providing support and guidance to the students to enhance their understanding of the industry requirements and to help them build their skills.
>> Facilitation of awareness sessions and Industry interaction through this department.
>> Technology based solutions to improve campus placement process.
>> Providing diverse employment opportunities to cater to the aspirations and talent of the MUIT students.

Mr. Manish Tiwari
Head-Training & Placement

Welcome to Maharishi Industry Relations Cell (MIRC)!!

Being a mentor it’s a privilege and an honour to introduce our sincere, dedicated, focused and dynamic young graduate and postgraduates. Who has been trained and done internship under the guidance of industry professional. They are equipped to take up industrial challenges and bound inhabit to work under pressure. We are confident our students are tuned to lead the team.

In today’s technological era companies are looking at a high level of communication and technical skill in the candidate. We at MUIT groomed our students not only as per corporate desire but we teach the most important aspect ie. Life skills. It helps them to be always constructive and focused at work. 

As MUIT is a premier university in Uttar Pradesh evolved at par with the global education ecosystem, distinct from others. Our dedicated scholar student and subject expert professional professor’s results in a great learning environment. Interactive sessions with industry professionals are held very frequently, prominent speakers from premier companies share their experiences and expertise with our students. That helps students to develop their analytical and decision-making skills.

Therefore, we are always confident to say our students are ready for the corporate world six months before their campus placement. The intensive soft skills training are mandatory for all students from their first semester. These bring an early internship with the pre-placement offer to them. We are deadly sure our trained young students would be an asset to any organization.

We are open 24/7 to discuss your manpower requirements.

MUIT family expresses its gratitude to all those organization who are extending their contribution in the development and deployment of MUNITians.

We look forward to serve you !!

Happy hiring,

Best regards,